



Why is regular attendance so important?

At Avonbourne Academies, we aim for an environment which enables and encourages all members of the community, to be proud to belong and to achieve of their best. For our students to gain the greatest benefit from their education it is vital that they attend regularly and should be at Academy, on time, every day the Academy is open, unless the reason for the absence is unavoidable.

It is very important therefore that you make sure that your son attends regularly, and this policy sets out how together we will achieve this.

Any absence affects the pattern of a student’s schooling and regular absence will seriously affect their learning. Any student’s absence disrupts the learning of others in the same teaching groups by disrupting classroom routines. Ensuring your son’s regular attendance at the Academy is your legal responsibility and permitting absence from the Academy without a good reason creates an offence in law and may result in prosecution.

How to report an absence

If a student is absent it is the parent/carer’s responsibility to:

  • Contact us as soon as possible on the first day of absence (by 8.30am) and on the morning of every day of absence.
  • Or, you can call into the Academy (01202 398451) and report to reception or email via and copy in your son's year team

How do I request permission for an absence?

You must submit a request to the school before you arrange for your child to have time away.

If you wish to take your son out of school during term time, you must submit a formal request to the Principal via the school office. You should provide evidence to support your request e.g. medical information.

Requests should be made in at least 20 school days before the requested period of absence.

Will absence requests be granted?

Taking holidays in term time will affect a student’s schooling as much as any other absence and we expect parents/carers to help us by not taking their son away during the Academy term time. Remember that any savings you think you may make by taking a holiday during the Academy term time are offset by the cost to your son’s education. There is no automatic entitlement in law to time off during Academy time to go on holiday. At Avonbourne Academies holidays in term time will not be authorised.

If there is a case for compassionate leave e.g. for a funeral, the Academy may authorise leave of absence – in these circumstances’ parents/carers should complete an application for absence (which can be from reception or found on the website) or letter and this will be considered by the  Assistant Principal and/or Head of School.

Medical Appointments

Where possible please avoid making medical appointments during school time. If this is unavoidable please bring a letter or evidence of an appointment to the Attendance Officer/Year team in advance of the appointment.

If same day medical appointments occur, please ask your son to present a letter to his Year Team to receive an exit slip. Exit slips should be sought before morning line ups, break time or at lunch time and not during lessons.

Please see our attendance policy here.

Emergency Closures

We will make every effort to accommodate all students until the end of lunchtime.  A message will be sent to local radio, Heart 102.3 and Wave 105 informing the public that the college will close early. A text message will also be sent to parents. If there is sufficient time, a letter will be given to students informing parents of the circumstances of the closure. Information will also be published on the Academy websites.

Students will then be allowed home under the following conditions;

  • We have parental permission for emergency release
  • Students can safely walk or cycle home and will be able to gain access once they reach home
  • Students who use the buses can do so and are able to gain access once they reach home
  • Students can contact parents and can be picked up from the Academy
  • Students are picked up by a named contact for who we have received indication from parents that they are giving permission for this to happen.

Any student who cannot get home safely will be instructed to report to a specific area where they will be supervised until their parent or other nominated adult can pick them up.

It is the responsibility for parents to make every effort to pick their child up as quickly as possible, or arrange for a responsible adult to do so. This reduces the risk for both students and staff which can be considerable in worsening conditions.

Likewise, it is important for parents to discuss with their child whether, in these circumstances, they should go home early or remain supervised until the end of the day. If parents are collecting students, the students should report to the specified area for collection and remain there until parents arrive. Please note it is advisable for parents to check weather conditions at the Academy.


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